Zeta Tau Alpha Province XIV-A

Lambda Epsilon Installed at IUPUI

Province XIV-A welcomed her sixth chapter on December 11 on the campus of Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis.  In a day of services and symbolism meaningful to Zetas everywhere, Lambda Epsilon chapter came into being after months of hard work by the members of the colony.  With the assistance of collegiate members from Franklin College, University of Evansville, Indiana University, and Indiana State University, Traveling Leadership Consultants, and area alumnae, National Extension Director Marlene Conrad presented a beautiful weekend.

Saturday’s events were serious in nature, consisting of Initiation Services, the Installation of the chapter’s officers, and the Installation of the new chapter, itself.  The traditional portrait was taken after the services in the commuter area of the IUPUI Campus Centre.  After resting up from the day, sisters reconvened at the Marriott downtown for an Installation Brunch Banquet on Sunday morning.  There, Lambda Epsilon received well wishes from sisters across the country, including traditional gifts from the Province and District, National Council, and others.  Chapter President Emma Friday was presented with the traditional baby cup, which will stay in the chapter’s care until the next colonization this spring.  This was also an opportunity to introduce the new Initiate’s families to Zeta Tau Alpha, so videos about the colony’s experiences were shown.

On a personal note, I would like to thank our collegiate sisters who demonstrated that Zeta love is larger than each campus.  Each of our state’s chapters was involved at some point in the colonization process.  I would particularly thank Keshia, Carolyn, and Elise from Beta Theta for volunteering to stay on Saturday to take part in a beautiful and very special final set of ceremonies.  I hope that each of you who helped Lambda Epsilon become a reality enjoyed this rare moment as much as I did.

To our newest sisters:  Welcome.  We are incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished in a relatively short time. You are a valuable addition to the proud tradition of Zeta Tau Alpha and Province XIV-A, and we look forward to sharing ZTA sisterhood with you throughout the college years and beyond.

For more pictures, check out the Province Pics!

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