Zeta Tau Alpha Province XIV-A

UE Historian Crowned Homecoming Queen

Zeta Alpha senior Shelby George was crowned University of Evansville Homecoming Queen.  Shelby has long been a well-known face on the UE campus since she is involved in a variety or campus activities including the Aces Dance Team.  Shelby has contributed her leadership to the collegiate chapter in numerous ways and was serving as chapter Historian Reporter at the time of her crowning.

No one deserved this honor more than Shelby.  Congratulations, sister!  Also, congratulations to her chapter sisters who ran a pretty intense campaign to help her reign supreme.


XIV-A Helps Colonize at University of Louisville

Again, collegiate members from across Indiana answered the call to assist the ZTA Extension team.  Just a year after learning the Extension ropes with the Installation of Lambda Epsilon at IUPUI, XIV-A was asked to lend a hand just across the river to assist with the colonization at University of Louisville.

Chapter members from IU assisted with colonization events and Ritual teams from Franklin and Evansville operated rooms for Formal Pledging.  The culmination was Initiation and Installation on the weekend of November 11.  The Ritual team from Franklin joined a team from Ohio with a team including members from IU and IUPUI to Initiate nearly 90 members.  It was a fabulous opportunity that I know that the chapter members involved respected and enjoyed.