Zeta Tau Alpha Province XIV-A
 I have a little secret to own up to.

Collegiate delegates to NLC and Conventions have shared with me how much fun they have at those events.  How rewarding it is to meet others and share concerns and successes.  How lit up they get in seeing and hearing the inspiration of those who trod their paths before them.

And they share this with me in a slight tone of, “You had to lead sessions and meetings, so you probably didn’t have as much fun as I.”

Lean in close...

I have fun, too.

I know, I know....but let me explain.

In the leadership session with Mrs. Matthews, we were asked the following:  “Are you in Zeta to do something or are you in Zeta for something to do?”

No one gets to be an active alumna...much less a National Officer...because they just want something to do.

In my NO sessions, I was surrounded by women – from the newest in the ranks to the National President – who endured questioning looks from non-Greek friends...who took days off work...who left behind families because ZTA is so much more than something they do.

ZTA is a recognizable part of who they are.

Every time I am around my PP sisters, I am further and further amazed by how quickly women who have never met before, but who know they share a singular experience, become entirely invested in each other.

And that is fun.

For all of us, that connection is our ritual.  Big chapter or tiny.  NCAA powerhouse or NAIA underdog.  House or cubicle.  None of that matters.  We all share that deepest meaning of ZTA, and that is all that matters at the end of the day.  That is true from Maine to Alaska.  That is true around the world.  And, locally, that is true from Alpha Theta to Lambda Epsilon.  The sisterhood is stronger than the details.  How fabulous!

This was a big NLC for ZTA and XIV-A.  Executive Director Deb Ensor announced the hiring of a new Director of Harm Reduction and Prevention Education, a hire that set the Greek world abuzz.  We were shown two new logos that should be available to our collegiate chapters soon.  Indiana darn near ran the table on awards, and three of our delegates were awarded scholarships from the ZTAF (with hopefully more to come!).  We “mingled” and Tweeted and fell in love with our CIA sisters from across the country.

And then...we left.

So...what now?

The answer is simple.  That level of fabulous doesn’t have to end.  Create it in your own chapters.  Effect positive changes in your chapter.  Stagnant things deteriorate and die.  Think outside of the box and then think outside of that bigger box.  Ask “Why?” and if the answer doesn’t come directly from the Mission, Values, and Purpose of ZTA take a serious look at what you are doing.  Think bigger and better...even on things you already do with excellence.

Non-delegate officers and non-officers:   This means you, too.  In the next year many opportunities will exist for your chapter to change itself, your campus, and – heck, why not? – the world.  Get on the bus!  Pitch in and be part of the insane level of excellence of which your chapter is capable!  Do something to make the ZTA you leave behind unbelievably more fabulous than you found it!

As Mrs. Laughry said (though it sounded familiar from somewhere...), “Our motto is NOT ‘Seek the Good Enough.’  It is ‘Seek the NOBLEST.’”

Nothing less will do.

And that's no secret.
7/24/2011 12:45:08 am

Stefanie, I love all the ways you reach your chapters. I definitely am learning a lot for you! zlam, Michelle


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