Zeta Tau Alpha Province XIV-A

Race for the Crown:  A Blog in Three Chapters

Chapter 1:  The Initiation of Sarah Patterson

I know about 3 things about the University of Alabama.  It is pretty foreign to my collegiate experience and I haven't really had much reason to learn much about it.  I know their Zeta chapter ROCKS.  I know that their recruitment is huge.  And I know Sarah Patterson.

I don't KNOW Sarah Patterson.  I don't have to have had lengthy conversations to know her, though.  I know her because of who she has chosen to put out there into the world.  She has chosen to work her tail off to build a championship gymnastics team in a time when women's athletics were not a given.  Yes, ladies, there was a time - a time I remember - when practices were at inhuman times and equipment was duct taped together and jokes weren't made in whispers - they were shouted.  In the midst of this, Sarah Patterson had the guts to ask for gymnastics equipment from men who were used to SEC football.  And I know more about her...because they gave it to her.

I know Sarah Patterson because she has used her success to build a philanthropy.  She has established the wildly popular Power of Pink series to build awareness and raise money among the sell-out crowds at Alabama gymnastics meets.  It started simple, with pink leotards and fans in pink.  It has grown in 7 years to include corporate involvement and other athletic events.  I know her because she is the type of person who starts something...and then other people want to be involved.

And I know Sarah Patterson because I watched her Initiation last week.  I watched her speak in sisterhood at dinner before she even knew why.  I watched her beam as the basis of our organization became clear.  I watched her meet with her new sisters who are also fans after her own special moment.  I saw her post on facebook and tweet about her pride in her new affiliation.  I know her because she connected to the same thing I did.

She connected to Zeta Tau Alpha.  She has been Seeking the Noblest since before her daughter shared the open motto with her mother the first time.  She has been living in a way that makes her a worthy sister before the opportunity was given.

I guess I know a 4th thing about the University of Alabama.  They make some really great hiring decisions.

Roll Tide!

Chapter 2:  The Installation of My Roommate

Just a few short years ago I was on a first name basis with exactly zero members of National Council.  I am beyond glad that has changed.  These women are simply outstanding.  I am proud to be their sister and it is a joy to work with them.

I am glad that our collegians get to see them as humans through Convention.  In addition to being outstanding, purposeful leaders, our National Council sisters are funny!  I mean....REALLY funny!  Wait, what?  Yeah.....they are "Call Me, Maybe" funny!

Maybe their hearts are the best part of them.  They know your chapters.  They know your leaders.  They see where your opportunities for growth are...and they passionately WANT you to excel in them! They celebrate your successes as much as you do.  It makes them happy when you see the big picture and invest in big dreams for a better ZTA.

On the Tuesday of Convention I checked into the hotel and the nice young man behind the counter said some of the best words of the week:  "So, your roommate is Kristen Faure?"  I giggled.  Mrs. Faure and I were roommates last year.  In this past year, we have become closer.  She has been a friend and PP mentor.  She has been an ear to my frustrations, a voice of wisdom, and someone with whom to share my joys.  I only hope that I have held up any portion of my end of the bargain for her.

On the Saturday morning of Convention week, the delegates elected the slate for the 2012-2014 National Council.  We elected...and then Installed...my roommate.  It was my third Council Installation, but it was the first to include people I really knew.  I am sitting hear with tears streaming again as I think about it.  I am so proud of her...and of the other newest members of Council.  I know them to be outstanding women, sisters, and leaders.

My collegiate sisters, you have been so blessed and you may not even know it.  Mrs. Harmon is a great visionary who helped train me and helped Indiana see where we could go if we would only step forward.  I tear up thinking of her love and commitment to Zeta and of the way she inspired me along the way.  I will miss working with her regularly, but Zeta is special in that so many National Council members stay involved.  And Arkansas has an open border.  As does Indiana.

And you are blessed because the woman transitioning into her role is so passionate about what the Zeta experience can be for collegiate women!  She loves learning even more about ZTA and she is a strong teacher of that learning, as well.  She is one who leads because she loves.  She is funny and smart and caring and dedicated...and the list goes on.  Mrs. Faure will be a great leader for us, and I am excited for you to get to know her.

She has been my sister.  She has been my roommate.  She has been my friend.  And I am so proud that she is my Vice President.

Chapter 3:  Awards on Awards on Awards

Indiana made living the whole "humble in success" thing a little difficult at Convention.  There were so very many successes...and so many were poignant.

We had 4 chapters earn Helping Hands Awards for assisting with colonizations.  One of those was Lambda Epsilon, themselves Installed this biennium and receiving their baby cup at Convention.  We had 3 Highly Commendable Academic Achievement Awards and 4 Quota/Total Awards.

All 6 chapters were major donors.  4 chapters were named Founders Club members.  One of those, Gamma Chi, was a first timer, as far as we know.  They really worked their tails off this year and pretty much doubled their BMOC to get there.  Zeta Alpha had a strong home stretch, using creative fundraisers to make up the last few hundred dollars.  And then there are the Big 10 schools.  Alpha Theta was the #3 Foundation donor of the year and Alpha Xi was #1.  Let me put that into focus for you.  Every Zeta pink ribbon give out anywhere in the world in the last 2 years was paid for by Alpha Xi.  The state of Indiana donated over a half a million dollars to the Foundation this biennium.  Wow.

"Did TWELVE of your chapters win Crown Chapter last night?" smirked a friend.

In a year in which Crown Chapter Awards were a little harder to come by, XIV-A held strong with recognition going to Alpha Xi, Beta Theta, Gamma Chi, and Zeta Alpha.  That was somewhere around 1 of every 20 Crown Chapters living in Indiana.  Gamma Chi was particularly happy to repeat and Beta Theta teared up knowing they were back.

Can I admit that Silver night made me nervous?  We think about it.  We do.  And - for the record - we don't know in advance.  That first one caught me as surprised as it caught Eva.  She hadn't considered Silver a possibility for Gamma Chi...yet.  I knew that the chapter didn't realize exactly how VERY good they are, so this didn't surprise me.  I was sitting down to take notes.  It was about Mrs. Mauro's second sentence that tipped me off.  I even wrote, "Hmmmm....sounds familiar..." in the margin.  Eva said she realized they were doing that stuff, but still assumed it had to be someone else...right up to the announcement of Gamma Chi.  I wish I had a picture of her face.  Shock.....tears.....pride.....more shock......it was beautiful.  After Mrs. Conrad reminded me that I should be on stage (BAD PP!) and the pictures were taken, I turned to a beaming Mrs. Harmon and simply said, "Oh my GOD!" to her nod.  After the evening was over, I asked Mrs. Harmon to join my Silver winners for a picture.  Eva asked if she remembered a conversation from two years ago.  Two years ago Gamma Chi had the most Crown Chapter strikes in Area III.  They just weren't getting it done.  In Eva's words, "You changed our lives."  In one year the chapter turned around the Crown Chapter situation and in this 2nd year of the biennium they secured their spot as campus leaders and - now - Zeta leaders.

And, speaking of Zeta leaders, then there was Zeta Alpha.  The chapter is just so darn well-rounded and hard-working and dedicated and FABULOUS that I really wasn't sure where to listen for them.  Well, until Mrs. Laughry spoke of member enrichment programs on sewing and packing and of membership in the Medieval Society.  Zeta Alpha does breadth of involvement better than most.  They are involved as a chapter in other group events and they boast individual members in just about every corner or campus involvement.  Then you add in leadership.  37%.  They have really enjoyed becoming more well-rounded (I heard about this MANY times in my last visit with them), so it was FABULOUS to see them rewarded for an area in which they already took enjoyment.  After the awards were over, the delegates challenged me.  "You challenged us and we met it. What next?"  My answer is the same as it is to any chapter: Celebrate.  I love that Zeta Alpha is jumping over every expectation I set for them...and I want them to love it, too.  Sometimes we are so fast in setting new goals that we don't take the time to celebrate.

Celebrate, my sisters.  You have worked hard to build members who are capable of this.  Take a moment or two to share the Convention experience with them.  If you won Silver, make sure that you are REALLY celebrating that!  It is HUGE!  If you won Crown Chapter, take the time to share that experience with your members.  If your chapter was not quite where you would like them to be, share that experience as well.  Finding a way to share that is what started Gamma Chi on the path to some glittery rewards.  I would love nothing more than to see Indiana shine again in Los Angeles.

I love you all, and I am so very proud of who you are and who you are becoming.  Keep seeking the noblest!
Kelley Harmon
7/4/2012 02:12:32 am

This is beyond FABULOUS! Your chapters are so blessed to have you! Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do. Keep setting the State of Indiana on fire! Love you!!!


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