Zeta Tau Alpha Province XIV-A
I shouldn’t still be amazed.  I have been a Zeta since before our newest members were born.  The excellence of this organization.....the excellence of her members.....should not still inspire awe in me.  

But it does.

I was blessed last weekend to travel to Indiana State University and the University of Evansville to see two of our collegiate chapters during recruitment.  The warmth with which I was welcomed moved me.  The dedication I saw in our collegiate members encouraged me.  The quality I witnessed in our newest members inspired me.

Zeta Tau Alpha is a leader in the Greek world, and watching our collegians embrace that tradition and use it to spur them on to greatness is beautiful.  Watching our new members look around their new chapter room, beam, and sigh...is beautiful.

Being a Zeta is beautiful.

Thank you, my sisters at Gamma Chi and Zeta Alpha, for being the incarnation of all that is possible in ZTA.  Hard work and dedication will bring about successes unimagined.  Hard work and dedication.....

.....and “love.....the greatest of all things.